Xmas 2018 info pack front page

We at Leeds Autism AIM have produced a four-page information booklet with all the info you need to get you through the Christmas and New Year period. It’s a PDF which you can view on your browser or by using Adobe Acrobat.

What’s inside?

Inside the booklet, you will find the following:

  • A two-week calendar covering Christmas and New Year
  • Autism Hub opening dates
  • Advonet office opening times
  • A list of phone numbers to ring if you need support
  • A list of services available during Christmas
  • Info on when the buses and trains are running
  • Shop opening times
  • Bin collection dates
  • When the banks and post offices are open
  • When the post is due for delivery
  • Some of our #XmasAutisticLifeHacks on the back

You can download the pack here:
Xmas 2018 Information Pack

You can also download a standalone two-week Christmas planner here:
Xmas/New Year 2018-19 planner