We have a busy schedule at our Tuesday drop in next week, whilst our quiet Friday session is still for booked appointments only. Here’s what we have planned at the Lovell Park Hub:

Lovell Autism Hub – Tuesday 27th November – 3:30-7pm

First, we welcome some guest speakers to the Hub! Alison Conyers from the Leeds Teaching Hospitals Trust (LTHT) and one of her colleagues will be coming in from 4pm to 5pm to talk about reasonable adjustments for autistic patients. You can read more about it here: Hospital staff to talk at Hub about accessing health services.

Next, our Cafe Autistique discussion session is on from 5:30-6:30pm. This one is all about socialising and how autistic people approach it.

Ian from Chapeltown Citizens Advice is in for the whole session. He can give support around areas such as benefits and personal finance.

Finally, our staff will be around to give limited advocacy support, information, signposting and, in some cases, peer support.

Friday Autism Hub – Friday 30th November – 4-7pm

Our Friday session is just for booked appointments and is quieter than the drop-in on Tuesdays. There, we can offer the following support:

  • One-to-one peer support
  • Limited advocacy support
  • Information and signposting
  • Employment advice

This is only for autistic adults in the Leeds area who get little or no funded support. To book an appointment, please email us at [email protected].