Autism Reference Group - meeting room picture

The Autism Reference Group, a forum for autistic adults in Leeds to have their say on what services in the city should do for them, meets at the Lovell Autism Hub next month. The group meets quarterly and usually asks you to say what you think needs to be addressed.

This time, the group will discuss the Self-Assessment Framework (SAF), where the quality of services and support for autistic people in Leeds will be graded. It will be done by using a traffic light system – green for good, amber for in progress/okay and red for not good/non-existent.

The group will be asked what they think about parts of the SAF, including:

  • Employment
  • Transitions (moving from childhood to adulthood)
  • Mental health
  • Travel and transport
  • Further education

When and where?

They will meet on Tuesday 20th November at the Hub from 5pm to 6:30pm. Autistic adults living in the Leeds City Council area are welcome to attend. The Hub can be found at this address:

Lovell Park Hub
Wintoun Street

Directions and information about buses that stop nearby can be found on the Lovell Autism Hub page of our website.