Cafe Autistique, our discussion group led by and run for autistic adults, is to talk about shopping and the barriers in place of autistic people. The discussion will touch on areas such as planning the weekly grocery shop, budgeting and what happens when in a supermarket.

The topic coincides with Autism Hour, a campaign for all shops to hold a quiet hour for autistic customers, which took place earlier this month. It also coincides with Purple Tuesday, a national day where shops are encouraged to make all their shops accessible for disabled customers.

When and where?

The group will take place on Tuesday 23rd October at the Lovell Autism Hub from 5:30pm to 6:30pm. It is open to autistic adults who live in the Leeds City Council area. It is completely free to attend.

You can find the Hub at this address:

Lovell Park Hub
Wintoun Street

Here is a map detailing where the Hub is located:
