Picture of a train in motion

We have a new online survey asking for your views on the barriers to using public transport. The survey, which only takes a few minutes to complete, aims to find out what you would find useful when using buses, trains and other forms of public transport as an autistic person.

The results from the survey will then be used to help with a travel training pilot Leeds Autism AIM are running. This will help us to advocate for autistic people’s needs when using public transport and design a travel training programme which could be replicated across the country.

Take the survey

To take the survey, all you need to do is click on the link below and complete the questions:

Travelling while autistic survey

If you have any comments about the survey or have anything else to share with us, you can contact us by email at [email protected] or by using the details on our Contact page.

The deadline for responses is Thursday 1st November.