Suitcase and bag in an airport lounge

Packing for a big trip away can be really stressful. Knowing what to take and how much you can bring with you are just two reasons why. To help with packing, we have the latest of our #AutisticLifeHacks to come to the rescue!

Gill Loomes, our Peer Development Worker, has a useful tip on how to plan your packing to take the stress away:

“I’m really bad at packing for travelling (i.e. it stresses me out and takes far too many spoons!), so I have a standard list of the core things I need to take with me to go away (meds, chair charger, toothbrush/paste, changes of clothes x no. of nights away etc).

“I then add to this if circumstances change meaning I need different things, or don’t need some things, but the core list is fairly constant. I can also amend it as necessary at times when I’m not immediately needing to pack, which is much calmer than trying to think and do packing at the same time.

“I use the Listmaster app to keep all my lists safe. It’s pretty good in the free version, but I’ve found that to keep the number of lists/items I need, I had to go for the premium version. That would be something to work out, based on your available funds and the extent to which you like/need apps for your lists!”

#AutisticLifeHack by Gill Loomes | 11.09.2018