Our weekly and fortnight hub sessions carry on despite the stiflingly warm weather! Here’s what we have on next Tuesday and Friday whilst we try to beat the heat!

Lovell Autism Hub – Tuesday 31st July – 3:30-7pm

We’re in to produce personalised resources until 5pm. These include autism alert cards, GP profiles, cards to help you explain how hospital staff can support you and one-page employment profiles.

Cafe Autistique, our monthly discussion group, is back. It’s on from 5:30pm to 6:30pm; the topic is to be determined on the day by visitors to the Hub.

Ian from the Chapeltown Citizens Advice Bureau will be in for one-to-one appointments, giving useful information on areas like money and benefits. There are some slots still available to see him; contact us if you need support from Citizens Advice. He is in from 3:45pm to 7pm.

As always, our staff will be around during the session to offer limited advocacy support, along with information and signposting.

Friday Autism Hub – Friday 3rd August – 4-7pm

This is our quiet session for booked appointments only. Here, we are able to offer such things as:

  • One-to-one advocacy support
  • One-to-one peer support
  • Employment advice
  • Information from the Chapeltown Citizens Advice Bureau

To book an appointment for this session, please contact us. Please note that we have already booked some appointments in for this date.

Getting to the Hub

To find out where the Hub is and how to get there, you will find everything you need on the Lovell Autism Hub page of our website.