Pride flag

For Leeds Pride 2018, the Sage Project will be running a quiet space for older and disabled LGBTQIA* people who want to come to the parade. It will be held in a different venue in the city centre, a little further away from the parade route.

This year, the space, known as The Mesh, is aimed at older, disabled and BAME LGBTQIA* people who want to meet friends and get away from the busier and more overloading aspects of Pride.

It will be held on Sunday 5th August and is open from 12 Noon until 6pm. It will take place at Cast Iron Bar, 7-9 Boar Lane, Leeds LS1 6EN, Here is a map detailing where The Mesh is located.


Extra information

There will be tea, coffee and light refreshments provided. The bar will be selling drinks and snacks as well. Around the space, Sage will be providing Pride buddies to help you through the crowds. The Mesh also has a wheelchair-accessible toilet.

For further information on the space, please contact Richard by phone on 07736 151 895 or by email at [email protected].