To help celebrate Volunteers Week, which runs from the 1st to the 7th of this month, Leeds Autism AIM are sharing some quotes from some of our volunteer mentors. Starting on Sunday, we will be publishing one Tweet a day with a quote from a mentor about what they gained from their roles.

Among the stories we will be sharing are those about skills gained whilst mentoring and how volunteering with us helped our mentors to come out with a greater understanding of autism. We would like to thank all of our volunteer mentors for all of their time and effort in helping mentees to overcome obstacles and achieve their goals.

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If you want to see what some of our mentors have said, check out our Twitter page. You can find us at At the end of the week, we will put all of the quotes together in a blog post on our website.

In the meantime, if you would like to find out more about our mentoring service, please visit the Mentoring page for more info. We also have some volunteer mentor training starting this Saturday; read this blog post to find out how to book a place: Volunteer mentor training starts next month.