Autism Reference Group - meeting room picture

The date has been confirmed for the next Autism Reference Group. This is the group for autistic adults in Leeds who want to feed into the Leeds Adult Autism Strategy. At this group, you can make suggestions for what services should do for autistic adults living in the Leeds area.

Whatever issues have been raised at this meeting will then be put forward to the Autism Partnership Board, which meets later on in May. The Board will then try to do their best to put the Reference Group’s suggestions into practice.

When and where?

The Reference Group meeting will be on Tuesday 22nd May from 5pm to 6:30pm. It will take place at the Lovell Autism Hub, which can be found at this address:

Lovell Park Hub
Wintoun Street

If you have never been to the Hub before, visit the Lovell Autism Hub page for directions. This is what the building looks like:

This meeting is free to attend and is open to all autistic adults living in the Leeds City Council area.