Leeds Disabied People's Organisation logo on a background of a faded Millennium Square

The Leeds Disabled People’s Organisation (LDPO) are holding a public meeting to discuss setting up a new disabled people’s organisation for Leeds. It will feature a guest speaker and is free to attend.

The LDPO were only recently set up and are run and led entirely by disabled people in the city. Their public meeting aims to look at building the group up. They are interested in:

  • Campaigning on issues that affect disabled people in Leeds, for example public transport accessibility, personal assistance provision, benefit cuts or lack of accessible and affordable housing
  • Providing advice and information to disabled people
  • Providing a social space for disabled people to meet one another and talk about issues that affect them
  • Raising awareness of disability as a political issue and promoting the Social Model of Disability

When and where?

The meeting is on Tuesday 3rd May from 6pm to 8pm. It takes place at the Leeds Civic Hall in the East Room. You need to book a ticket at this link to attend:

Public Meeting

A number of adjustments will be made to ensure the meeting is fully accessible. The room is wheelchair accessible via a lift and hearing loop. The lighting in the room will be turned down. There will be British Sign Language support. Assistance dogs are welcome.

To find out more about LDPO, please visit their Twitter account here: https://twitter.com/Leeds_DPO.