Our fortnightly session on Friday evenings is back on after a month away, whilst our weekly-drop in carries on as usual. Here’s what to expect at our two autism hubs:
Lovell Autism Hub – Tuesday 10th April – 3:30-7pm
First on, we’re able to produce personalised resources such as autism alert cards, hospital passports and employment profiles. These can be used to help you speak for yourself in difficult situations.
Carers Leeds have their monthly carers group from 5pm to 6:30pm. It is for parents, carers and partners of autistic adults who live in the Leeds area. It is free to attend.
Ian from the Chapeltown Citizens Advice Bureau will be back in to offer information on complex areas like benefits and money. He does, however, have some appointments already.
Our staff and volunteers will be around to provide information, signposting and limited advocacy support.
Friday Autism Hub – Friday 13th April – 4-7pm
Our Friday session for booked appointments has quite a few slots booked already. Here is what we usually offer there:
- One-to-one peer support
- Limited advocacy support
- Information and signposting
- Employment advice
- Info from the Chapeltown Citizens Advice Bureau
If you would like to book an appointment with us for the 13th or any Friday after that, please contact us and we’ll be in touch.