Following on from one of our busiest Hub sessions ever, we have a welcome return to the schedule at next week’s Lovell Autism Hub. Here’s what to expect at our weekly drop-in:
Lovell Autism Hub – Tuesday 17th October – 3:30pm-7pm
Aspiedent will be running the first of five fortnightly Employment Hub sessions from 4:30pm to 6:30pm. The first hour will be a talk followed by a discussion on sensory issues in the workplace. It will be followed by half an hour for a drop-in session and a further 30 minutes for booked appointments.
Our monthly Women’s Group is on from 5:30pm to 6:30pm. This time, they will be talking about executive functioning and how it affects autistic women. The group is open to autistic women living in the Leeds area.
Ian from the Chapeltown Citizens Advice Bureau is in from 3:30pm to 7pm. He is available for booked appointments and can offer useful information on tough subjects like benefits, housing and money.
As always, our staff and volunteers will be around to provide advocacy support, offer information and signposting and give peer support. If you need anything, just ask them!