Our two Hub sessions are back next week, offering the usual mix of advocacy, information, signposting and peer support. Here’s what’s happening at the Lovell Autism Hub and Friday Autism Hub:
Lovell Autism Hub – Tuesday 26th September – 3:30pm-7pm
First up at our weekly drop-in, Keeley Rowley from the Leeds Teaching Hospitals Trust (LTHT) will be in from 4pm to 5:30pm to talk about her role. She will also discuss how the hospitals can help autistic patients. Keeley will then be around to answer any questions you have about the work Leeds’ hospitals are doing for autistic people.
Next, our cooking group is on from 4pm. It’s an informal one where anyone who comes to the drop-in can join in. Whatever the group is making will then be served up for just £2.50 per portion.
Our monthly Employment Peer Support Group is on from 5:30pm to 7pm. It’s a quiet group where you can share your thoughts on finding work, keeping work and volunteering, as well as all of the different barriers that are put in place of autistic people.
Ian from the Chapeltown Citizens Advice Bureau is in for the whole session. He does have some booked appointments, but he will be available at some point to talk about a range of topics, including benefits.
Our staff and volunteers will be around to offer advocacy support and provide information and signposting service.
Friday Autism Hub – Friday 29th September – 4pm-7pm
Our fortnightly session for booked appointments has the following on offer:
- Advocacy support
- Information and signposting
- Employment advice from 4pm to 7pm
- A session with the Chapeltown Citizens Advice Bureau from 4pm to 6pm
- Peer support
To come to the Friday session, you need to book an appointment with us. You can do so by contacting us.