Lovell Autism Hub

Next week’s two autism Hubs have all kinds of services and activities for autistic adults living in the Leeds area. Here’s what you can expect from our Tuesday and Friday sessions:

Lovell Autism Hub – Tuesday 20th June – 3:30pm-7pm

At this coming week’s Lovell Autism Hub drop-in, there are a couple of regular groups, as well as all of the usual information, signposting, advice and peer support.

First up, Aspiedent’s employability drop-in is on from 4pm to 6pm. This is for any autistic adults living in Leeds who are looking for the right job. You can find out more about Aspiedent on their website.

Next, the monthly Women’s Group is on from 5:30pm to 7pm. They will mainly be discussing how autism presents itself in women. The group is for autistic women living in the Leeds area and is free to attend.

As usual, Ian from the Chapeltown Citizens Advice Bureau is in to offer advice on issues like housing, benefits and personal finance. The informal cooking session is on from 4pm, whilst our staff are there to provide advocacy support, info and signposting.

Friday Autism Hub – Friday 23rd June – 4pm-7pm

At our Friday session for booked appointments, there are a few things happening. Employment advice is available throughout the session, as is Ian from the Chapeltown Citizens Advice Bureau.

The monthly support group for LGBTQIA* autistic adults is on from 5:30pm to 7pm and will be discussing issues such as upcoming Pride marches.

For anything besides the LGBTQIA* group, you need to book an appointment to attend the Friday session. If you’re interested, please contact us and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.