
In the first of a regular series of blog posts on our brand new website, we at Leeds Autism AIM will round up what’s going on at both of our drop-ins. We hope you find this and all future posts useful!

Lovell Autism Hub – Tuesday 28th February – 1.30pm to 7pm

At the Lovell Park Autism Hub on Tuesday, employment is the running theme. From 2pm to 4pm, the DWP will be in to offer employment advice. There are limited spaces available if you want to come along – just send us an email if interested.

Aspiedent will be running their fortnightly employability drop-in from 4pm to 6pm. It’s for anyone who needs a little extra guidance and is available for autistic adults in Leeds.

Finally, our monthly employment peer support group is on from 5.30pm to 6.45pm. There, you can talk about all things employment, from in-work frustrations to the stresses and strains of actually finding a job.

Cooking is on from 3pm with Jemma and Sarah, while Ian from the Chapeltown Citizens Advice Bureau is in all session to offer advice on such things as benefits, work and finance.

Vale Autism Hub – Thursday 2nd March – 2pm to 7pm

The first session of the month at the #ValeAutismHub sees employment advice return. That’s on from 2pm to 7pm and is free for anyone who comes along.

Ian from the Chapeltown Citizens Advice Bureau will be in from 2pm to 6pm, offering advice on a variety of topics. Benefits such as PIP, personal finance, work and housing are the areas he has expertise in.

Our staff will be on hand to offer information, signposting and advice when it’s needed.